The creative outlet of Anthony Munkholm: thanks for reading

Healing through my words:

Life doesn't give you the people you want,
it gives you the people you need:
to love you, to hate you, to make you, to break you, & to make you the person you were meant to be. -unknown

Love can and will come to those who still believe in it. Hope is the key. Even when faced with disappointment love will still find a way. Even after betrayal love will still knock on your door. Love will come to those who have been hurt before. I will never give up on love. I will even love those who no longer love me. Love is all there is and all there ever will be. -me

I believe I have been given an opportunity to share my successes and my struggles, my up's and my down's, the good and the bad with those who find their way to my blog. I feel I have been given a gift to write. I feel in my heart part of my gift to the world comes through my words. My greatest joy comes through expressing myself here. I write for myself but I feel compelled to share it with you too. I believe in love, compassion, and understanding which I share here.

Saturday, February 25, 2012


I do not think the good times every left,
I do not think my happiness was every in doubt,
I do not think a smile was truly ever out of my grasp
I do not think the warmth of a puppy snuggle was every too far away,

I love waking up in these good moods,
I love looking forward to the day,
I love smiling about how sore I am because I over did it in the gym,
I love wondering what shall I do next,

I love sitting on my computer for hours chatting with a great friend because she is off on her own adventure,
I love feeling comfortable enough with a select few to share some of my most intimate feelings,

I hope I can keep this momentum going,
I hope those who have been there for me know just how much I love and appreciate them,
I hope I do not forget how great this energy flowing through me feels,
I hope I can help those who need it as much as they have helped me,

I did not ever give up I just merely stumbled along my path,
I did not ever lose faith, I simply asked why,
I did not ever doubt that there was a lesson to be learned, I just had trouble wrapping my head around it,
I did not ever stop hoping for better days, but I did get stuck,

I believe that the worst of it is over,
I believe that I am opening up to another again and it feels so good,
I believe my inner-strength has grown,
I believe that it had to happen as much as that still pains me to say,

I know without some of you I may not have made it,
I know that a dear friend shared his strength with me when I did not have enough of my own,
I know and finally believe that is was not all my fault,
I know that in my moments of weakness my Lord came to me with an open heart and comforted me,

I am so grateful to those who took a chance on me,
I am so grateful to those who gave me my new career,
I am so grateful for those new people in my life, who believe in me and support me,
I am so grateful that I feel like I am where I am suppose to be,

I am so humbled by the love and affection she has been giving me,
I am so humbled that she swept my little slip up under the rug,
I am so humbled that she is willing to drive 90 miles to come see me,
I am so humbled by the patience she has demonstrated,

I love this energy,
I love that I feel good,
I love that I will drink the occasional vodka-Redbull so I can keep up with her,
I love that I am once again looking forward to my days,

I appreciate what I have been going through,
I appreciate the tools I have been given to write these words,
I appreciate you, right now for reading my words, Thank you,
I appreciate the warm comforting feeling of the coffee and I sit here and write,

I am so happy to be sharing something other than my sorrows,
I am so happy that my family added two new members,
I am so excited to get back to Minnesota in less than two months,
I am so excited to say GOODBYE:

I hope she knows how grateful I am for our 7 years together,
I hope I continue to let her go and send her the light and love she deserves,
I wish her only the best and may she find in her heart what I could not give her.

I want to share this here even though its on my front page, it feels very fitting:

Love can and will come to those who still believe in it. Hope is the key. Even when faced with disappointment love will still find a way. Even after betrayal love will still knock on your door. Love will come to those who have been hurt before. I will never give up on love. I will even love those who no longer love me. Love is all there is and all there ever will be. -me

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy for you, as your Dad I had wished for months that I could snap my finger and make all the pain and doubt go away but the whole time I also knew that you would endure and become an even better person. Love ya, Dad
