Today I have been on this planet for 29 years, as I sit here and reflect I have many fond memories of great times. As I think about all of those good times I am hopeful that 29 is going to be my best year. I have many things I would like to accomplish this year before I reach 30. So many small things, and throw in a few big things to keep the Universe on its toes.
I am excited this year because I have a lot of wonderful things to look forward too; the first thing that jumps out at me is Meredith. We will be together for 5 years this April. I get to travel to Chicago at the end of the month, one of my best friends is getting married, I am doing well in grad school, and it seems to me that opportunities will just keep coming to me.
Meredith and I
There have been plenty of bumps in our road but to be together after 5 years is a testament to us and our willingness to face adversity. However there has been plenty to laugh about too. I still remember when we drove out to California for the first time. I had just purchased my new car, which I happily named Lucille, which drove Meredith nuts. But I loved that car; it was my first new car that I saved and saved to pay for. There was the excitement of driving through Nebraska:) and seeing the Colorado Rockies for the first time. Stopping off in Vegas and eating myself so stupid at a buffet that Meredith literally had to push me up the stairs to get back to my car. Arriving in California and at first being utterly filled with disappoint. In hindsight it was not that I disliked Cali I was just so nervous to be 3000 miles away from everyone and everything I knew.
What about getting married on the beach in Santa Barbara, it really could not of been any more perfect. Meredith looked amazing, I looked all right myself, we had our families there and our Chaplin was amazing. The food was great, the weather was nice, and everything just fell into place that day. Do I dare mention that two and half bottles of champagne later that I was so drunk on my way to the bathroom I walked right into the glass door of the hotel room that divided the dining room from the bedroom. She may never let me live that one down.
Oh and how wonderful it was to meet up with the family the next morning for brunch and explain to them how bad I need a bloody Mary because I was hung over something fierce.
The road got a little rough there for a while, but I find it hard to believe there is any marriage that it always stays peachy. We stayed at it, kept plugging away and now that we are almost to five years, we can rest our heads knowing we weathered the storm.
29 has a lot of things to offer to me and when I look at the big picture there are so many things falling into place and things to be happy about that I need not trip up over the small things. I have a wife that loves me, a great family, some really good friends, some excellent clients, we live in an amazing house in a beautiful place, we own our cars, we have health insurance, we have great jobs, we never go hungry, we can stay warm at night, we have our puppies, the list really does just keep going.
29 is going to be the year that I start to face more of my fears, try new things, stay committed to having even more fun. I started the year off on a bang and went and hung out with a bunch of people I have never met before. This is a huge accomplishment in the world of Anthony. I was proud of myself and long behold I actually had a good time. I am going to pursue other opportunities for employment, I do not need to stop training but I am certainly not opposed to finding something better.
29 are going to be the year that I stop this fucking struggle with my health. These headaches will become obsolete, I rarely get them anymore. I know how to keep them at bay and I just need to stick to what works. I have a great teacher, she showed me how and I can do it. I know everything I need to do, I am capable of doing it and I will do the best I can and then let the big man guide me the rest of the way.
29 is going to be the year I relax more, I am willing to admit that I cannot always be in control. I can be really chill and calm for the most part but let’s not forget who my mother is, it certainly is a change of pace :). Breaking old habits can be hard but I have already come so far. I believe I can have control over how I let any situation affect me, but I may not always control what happens. That is ok, that is something I am going to have to work at but I can do it.
29 is going to be the year that I learn to nap when I am tired. Simply giving myself permission to let go for a few hours will do me great benefits. I can do this. I have a wife who is wonderful at napping and I can do it with her.
1-28 was all great in the own right. The ups, the downs, the knowing, the not knowing. It was all perfect and exactly what I needed to get me to this point. 29 will be the best year of my life. It already is as I sit here and reflect how good things really have been.