1. I am thankful for my wife.
2. I am thankful that my wife is willing to work on Thanksgiving so I do not have to.
3. I am thankful she is willing to put the needs of others before her own.
4. I am thankful she has stuck with me through the good and the bad.
5. I am thankful my mother is here with me on thanksgiving.
6. I am thankful for my wonderful nephew Zachary, I just love him so much. He is a representation of all that is good and right with this world!
7. I am thankful for my father, and am enjoying reminiscing about the Thanksgiving he spent with me last year.
8. I am thankful for my two wonderful sisters. I love them both so much, and appreciate how they have been with me through thick and thin.
9. I am thankful for all my wonderful aunts and uncles, who have always loved me and I love them.
10. I am thankful for my Grandfather who always wants what is best for all of his children and grandkids.
11. I am thankful for the spirit of my grandmother, for she comes to me whenever I ask and I can always feel her presence and her love.
12. I am thankful for Dr. Leonard for without him my wonderful spine and my overall wellness would not be where it is today.
13. I am thankful for my boss Ed, because he gave me a job when I needed one and gave me the tools to become the successful trainer I am today.
14. I am thankful for all of the workers who helped package, farm, and raise the delicious food that I will consume on this day.
15. I am thankful for all of my cousins, as they are all different and I love them all for many reasons. I have been blessed with a great family and every time I with them it is truly a blessing.
16. I am thankful for my friends who are in MN and thankful for my friends who are right here in California.
17. I am thankful for the memories I have at the lake house with my man Luke and the time we spent the night in his truck. As terrible as that was sleeping in a small truck in the middle of the winter it still makes me laugh every time I think about it.
18. I am thankful for my friend since day 1, Matt Bartell, he and I have been through hell and back and basically 20 years later we are still great friends.
19. I am thankful that I have this very warm house to be in right now.
20. I am thankful that I have two wonderful dogs, which are always there for me and always love me.
21. I am grateful for Miss. Kim and all that she has done for me, and I am thankful that she is a close friend of mine. I am grateful that I am lucky enough to be able to call on her in a time of need or when I just want to discuss the universe. What a gift she has helped me find, I am forever grateful.
22. I am thankful for all of my clients, because without them I would be nothing as a trainer. A special thanks to Janine, who has been with me since the day I started as a trainer, she has come so far!
23. I am thankful for all of the hard work my clients give, because their dedication to working out is what drives me to become an even better trainer.
24. I am thankful for anyone who has to work today, whether military, a nurse, or the poor guy at Wal-Mart, because without them our country would not be as great as it is.
25. I am thankful for my coffee pot, as it is cold in my house as I write this and I am looking forward to warming my belly with some organic Seattle’s Best breakfast blend.
26. I am thankful for the talents that I have been blessed with, I find peace, comfort, and oneness in my writing and without it I would be a mess. I am especially thankful for anyone who would take the time to read my blog, it means the world to me!
27. I am thankful to my God who never left me and after many long years of searching I returned to him. I was never alone, she was with me the whole time, right here inside of me.
28. I am thankful I have discovered meditation. Meditation brought me back to God, has showed me the wonders of the Universe, and has taugh me how to “be.” Being still is the greatest thing I have discovered in this lifetime.
29. I am thankful that I found California. I belong here, my soul feel’s right here, my body loves it here, and my mind never wants to leave.
30. I am thankful for this beautiful house we live in and the family that we have made so far.
31. I am thankful for Facebook because it has allowed me to reconnect with some amazing friends from high school.
32.. I am thankful for everything in my life, the up’s and the downs, the highs and lows, the light and the dark, because without it I would not be me.